Ten Easy Ways to Have More Energy

Kids seem to have endless amounts of energy, don't they? Unfortunately though, the older we get, the less energy we seem to have.

Our age, as well as the stresses of daily life and an unhealthy lifestyle, can all take their toll.

It doesn't have to be that way, though. Try these simple tricks to get yourself more energised:

1. It may seem unlikely, but getting up earlier is the number one way to have more energy.  Sleeping in will make you feel groggy and take you longer to get going. Set your alarm and get up as soon as it goes off. Don't keep pressing the snooze button as this will mess up your sleep cycle and prevent you from feeling refreshed.

2. Don't skip breakfast. Your blood sugar is at its lowest first thing in the morning, so it's important to eat at this time. Try a mix of protein and complex carbs, for example scrambled egg on wholemeal toast. And take your time; don't grab something on your way out the door. Sit for a while and plan your day as you eat.

3. Cut out caffeine. Don't worry, you can still have your morning cup of coffee if you must (I certainly do). Just don't rely on caffeine to keep you going all day long. It causes a temporary high followed by a crash, which leaves you craving more caffeine. Then, come bedtime, you'll be too wired to sleep. It's a vicious cycle.

4. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration causes drowsiness. Aim for eight glasses throughout the day.

5. If you're stuck indoors most of the day, it's important to get outside and get some fresh air and sunlight. Try going for a walk in your lunch break.

6. Fruit and veg is full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients which will do wonders for your energy levels. Try juicing your veg or whizzing up a fruit smoothie for a fast-releasing energy hit.

7. Boost your B vitamins. These vits are water-soluble, meaning we lose them through our urine on a daily basis and can easily become deficient. This is bad news for our energy, among other things. Take a vitamin B complex supplement containing all eight B vitamins to keep your levels topped up.

8. Start snacking on nuts and seeds instead of cookies and chocolate. They will provide longer lasting energy rather than a sugar rush and subsequent crash. They'll also provide you with nutrients instead of empty calories.

9. Exercise. If you're tired, this may be the last thing you feel like doing. But just trust me on this one. You'll feel so much better if you get your body moving, and it'll be easier to fall asleep at night if you've been physically active during the day. Just don't work out too close to bedtime because this could have the opposite effect and keep you awake.

10. Step away from social media. Turn off all stimulants - your laptop, phone, TV etc - about an hour before bedtime to give your body a chance to wind down and get a better night's sleep. Read a book (unless it's especially gripping) or take a warm bath instead. And then go to bed at a decent hour. Because you'll be getting up early tomorrow, remember?

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