How to Have a Self-Care Sunday

We all need a little cheering up sometimes. Life happens, things can pile up and make us feel stressed or depressed, and if we don't take some time for ourselves once in a while it can really impact on our mental health.

Sunday is the perfect day to implement a self-care routine. So here's a list of 30 things you can do to relax and recharge before the week begins again!

1. Go for a walk
2. Call a friend
3. Read a book
4. Cuddle someone you love
5. Write in your journal
6. Sing along to your favourite tunes
7. Declutter your house
8. Do some yoga
9. Write a letter
10. Plan a trip
11. Meditate
12. Lift some weights
13. Dance
14. List everything you're grateful for
15. Watch a funny TV show
16. Take a nap
17. Do an adult colouring book
18. Go for a drive
19. Buy yourself some flowers
20. Watch cute cat videos
21. Bake a cake
22. Drink some tea
23. Stroke your pet
24. Take a bubble bath
25. Create something
26. Put on a face mask
27. Paint your nails
28. Go out for coffee
29. Binge watch Netflix
30. Eat some chocolate

What does your self care routine look like? Let me know in the comments!

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