How to Handle Social Distancing Due to the Coronavirus: Advice from an Introvert

woman looking out of window while social distancing

Social distancing, self isolation, quarantine...they all mean slightly different things but the result is the same: spending less time around people and more time at home.

A lot of people are currently being asked to work from home, stay away from large gatherings and, if showing symptoms of COVID-19 (also known as the coronavirus), completely self isolate for 7-14 days.

If you're an extrovert who enjoys being around other people, or even if you're just not used to being at home all the time, you might find this difficult. You may not know how to fill your days and you'll probably miss interaction with other humans.

As an introvert (and more specifically an INFP, according to the Myers-Briggs test), I'm happy with my own company and can actually find too much social interaction draining. I like having alone time and am quite good at finding ways to entertain myself.

The key to not going completely stir crazy under these conditions is to keep both your mind and body active. Obviously if you're off work because you're ill the most productive thing you can do is rest. But if you're well and just taking precautionary measures, here are ten suggestions of ways you can stay productive while stuck indoors, whether that's due to social distancing or any other reason. 

1. At-home workouts
It's important to stay active and if you're keeping away from the gym for the time being, why not try doing some home workouts? If you're not sure where to start, you can find plenty on YouTube and Instagram.

2. Experiment with new recipes
Now's the perfect time to whip up all those delicious looking recipes you've bookmarked but never got around to trying.

3. Learn a new language or skill
Whether you've always wanted to learn needlepoint or how to speak Spanish, now's your chance. You can learn any language for free, just by downloading an app on your phone (I use Duolingo), and YouTube is a goldmine for how-to videos on pretty much everything under the sun.

4. Clean, organise and declutter your house
Spend some time working on your living space. I bet that by the end of your isolation your house will never have looked so clean!

5. Work on some home projects
You could take the cleaning and organising one step further and start working on those things about your house that have been annoying you for ages; like that broken cupboard door, for instance.

6. Start writing that novel
I bet you've always dreamed of writing a book. Well, spend the next couple of weeks writing an outline and get cracking on your first draft. 

7. Work on your blog
Any blogger will tell you that there's not enough time in the day to do everything they'd like to for their blog. Writing posts, staying active on social media, taking photos and doing general blog admin can be overwhelming, but now is your chance. Take advantage of this extra time to catch up.

8. Get through your TBR pile
Most of us have a pile of unread books by our bed (or on our bookshelf, or spilling over onto the floor...) so now's a great time to start making a dent in that pile. 

9. Call or Facetime friends and family
You may miss face-to-face interaction while at home alone. Make sure to have regular contact with other adults in the form of phone or video chats.

10. Make sure to rest
Making time to relax is just as important as getting things done. Don't beat yourself up if you're not as productive as you'd like to be during this time. This could be your one chance it take it slowly and catch up on some sleep. This will soon be over so take the opportunity to look after yourself. 

Are you currently stuck at home due to social distancing or self isolation? How are you handling it? Let me know in the comments.

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