Guest Post | The Five Best Minimalism Books for a More Peaceful Life

This post has been written by Rachael from

I blame the Legos.

I came down the stairs, likely with yet another load of laundry, and stepped on a Lego. Looking around at my living room cluttered with all the toys that come with having small children, I completely snapped. 

Soon after my meltdown, I came across an article about a woman who minimized her children's toys...and claimed they were happy.

What devilry was this?!

Down the rabbit hole I went. I decluttered the toys. Then my closet. Then my whole life.

Minimalism spoke to me on a deep level. My soul was craving the simplicity of less. And unsurprisingly I found more. More joy. More time. More freedom.

While I could list all the minimalism books out there, for the sake of simplicity, here are just 5 books. Five books on minimalism that will inspire you to slow down and remove the excess from your life. Affiliate links have been used here.

Five Books on Minimalism for a More Peaceful Life

The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker

Let's start our dive into minimalism books with a book on decluttering. 

Modern homes are filled with stuff we don't use, don't need, and don't remember buying. For a more peaceful life, start by clearing out all the junk that's physically weighing down your home.

While Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is the decluttering classic, I prefer Joshua Becker's take.

Less emotional than Kondo, Becker has you consider: "Do I need this?"

Going room by room, Becker's guide will help you tackle the clutter in your home. Taking it one room at a time contains the mess of decluttering, so you don't end up with your whole life askew. Becker points out all the pitfalls inherent in each space and will help you build momentum by starting easy and building up to those tough storage spaces.

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Minimalism is so much more than just decluttering. It's an entire philosophy and lifestyle choice.

Greg McKeown parses it down to the idea of essentialism - the diligent pursuit of less in all aspects of your life.

Essentialism is basically the Bible for minimalists. By purposefully choosing to keep only the most essential, you'll find you are no longer weighed down by all the excess. 

McKeown inspires you to take back the power in your life with your choices. By focusing on your priorities, you'll realize the claim that you don't have enough time is a lie. You do have enough time, as long as you spend it well.

If you like the idea of essentialism but want a more personable book, try Tonya Dalton's The Joy of Missing Out instead.

Project 333 by Courtney Carver

Could you wear only 33 items for 3 months?

Sounds crazy, but it's the premise of Courtney Carver's minimalist wardrobe challenge. 

One consistent theme of minimalism is that more is not always better. Carver applies this philosophy to your wardrobe. A closet overflowing with clothes does not make you stylish.

Carver thoughtfully lays out her case for a capsule wardrobe. By curating your pieces, you'll feel more stylish and spend less time thinking about your clothes. Leaving more time (and money) for other things.

I can personally attest to the power of Project 333. When I first discovered minimalism, I tried it and fell in love. Over two years later, I can still feel its influence on my wardrobe. My closet may have more than 33 items, but the mindset remains.

Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

Do you ever feel like a slave to your smartphone?

I bet if you checked how much time you average on your phone each day, you'd be shocked by what you find. 

We live in a time of hyper-connection, where everything is available at the tip of our fingers. Which isn't necessarily a good thing.

In all this connection, we seem to be missing out on conversation.

Cal Newport makes the case for spreading minimalism to our use of technology. Tech companies have purposefully designed little dopamine machines in our hands, preying on addicting habits to encourage you to spend more and more time on their applications.

Instead, Newport urges you to do a digital declutter - a 30-day break that will let you break your bad habits and establish guidelines for how you want to use media in your life.

Slow by Brooke McAlary

Sometimes we cram our lives so full of good things that we can't appreciate what we have.

Simple living is a branch of minimalism that focuses on rejecting the frantic pace of modern life and instead embracing living slowly.

Now that you've experienced an unexpected dose of slow living, you can probably recognize why this philosophy is gaining popularity. 

If you take out the anxiety about health and the economy, the increased time spent together as a family has reminded many people of the joy found in slowing down.
Family dinners. Long walks. Reading books. 

McAlary expresses the beauty of slowing down and enjoy the lives we have. By not trying to do it all, we can find peace and meaning in our crazy world.

Though even McAlary would agree that a slower pace of life is more fun when it's a choice and not quarantine.


If you're tired of being overwhelmed - by clutter, by choices, by commitments - the minimalist lifestyle is the change you need. 

These books on minimalism can help you start that change. Removing the clutter from your closet and your life will leave your mind free to focus on what's important.

Breaking the endless cycle of mindless consumerism, you can design a mindful life you love.

Who wouldn't want that?

About Rachael

Tired of reading overrated bestsellers, Rachael started a book blog to help people read more great books. From the best minimalism books to the hottest new releases, Booklist Queen has you covered with book recommendations and reading challenges. 


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