Product Review: PROCEIVE Fertility Supplements

If you read my blog regularly or follow me on social media, you'll know that my husband and I have been trying to conceive for three and a half years now. I wrote about my infertility journey on the blog a couple of months ago (you can read that post here) and not long after, I was offered the chance to try PROCEIVE fertility supplements.

Anyone trying for a baby will know that it's important to take a pre-natal multivitamin. I was already taking one by a different brand but what I liked about Proceive is that they do supplements for both men and women, with different vitamins and nutrients tailored to the specific needs of each sex. For example, women need to take high doses of folic acid when they're pregnant or trying to conceive, to reduce the risk of spina bifida in the baby, while men need selenium to support normal production of sperm. 

It's recommended to take two capsules once a day, preferably in the morning on a full stomach. Being capsules, they're easy to swallow (which is great for me because I have a hard time swallowing tablets) and don't leave a nasty taste in your mouth. They're also lactose free, gluten free and suitable for vegetarians.

Don't expect any miracles by taking these supplements - I'm not going to end this post with "Guess what, guys? I'm pregnant!" because it's obviously not as easy as that. What PROCEIVE fertility supplements do is prepare both your and your partner's bodies for pregnancy by providing the required vitamins and minerals in the recommended quantities, giving you a better chance of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy with as few problems as possible.

Liked this? Click here to read my other reviews or, if you're interested in my TTC story, that's here!

Disclosure: Products were sent to me in exchange for an honest review. Words and opinions are my own.
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